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Dedicated to High Quality Sheet Metal Stamping and Fabrication since 1947.

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Surgi Manufacturing's Company Profile

Surgi Manufacturing Company was started in 1947 and currently operates out of an 8500-sq. ft. production facility located in Carl Junction, MO.

In the early 1950's Surgi Manufacturing Company started to produce pony and horse drawn carts. The stamping portion of the business was started as an off shoot of the pony cart business. Production continued until the late 1970's at which time that portion of the company was sold.

During the 1950's a large hydraulics plant opened in Joplin and Surgi began making parts for them.  That relationship continues to this day. Our current Six-Sigma rating is 2.6 parts rejected per million and we are currently working toward Zero Defects.

Surgi Manufacturing Company is currently a certified/prime supplier for a major hydraulics company and has an average quality rating of 99.4% for the previous year.

We are dedicated to high quality stamping and sheet metal fabrication. Surgi Manufacturing Company is a family-owned business currently being run by the third generation.

© 1997-2011 Surgi Manufacturing Company, Inc.